Meditation Circle | メディテーションサークル
17:30-19:00 毎月第二日曜日2nd Sundays: 11/10*
David Thomas France
David is a Movement Therapist, researcher, and senior yoga instructor with over 25 years experience. David has practiced Zen since 1992 primarily with Reb Anderson and Yvonne Rand. And supplemented his practice working with Jaya Ashmore and Christopher Titmuss from the Thai Theravada tradition. He is a certified practitioner of Body-Mind Centering®, a form of physical and sensory education that encompasses all the body systems and developmental aspects of human experience. David has studied yoga with masters throughout the world, particularly influenced by Rodney Yee, Donna Farhi, and Erich Schiffmann, and now focuses on personal research and deep listening to his guide practice. In tandem with his movement studies he has studied the Ayurvedic and Osteopathic traditions of healing and bodywork. Uncompromisingly eclectic and interdisciplinary, he brings to his lessons a broad range of experiences from athletics, martial arts, contemplative arts, dance, and healing arts. Originally from from the San Francisco Bay Area, David teaches internationally, and has lived in Japan since 2007.
メディテーション サークルの流れ :
17:30-17:45 オリエンテーション
17:45-18:30 ガイド付きの座る瞑想
18:30-19:00 ディスカッションやお互いの経験をシェア ー (いつ退席して頂いてもかまいません)
グループ瞑想に参加するのに特に瞑想の経験は必要ありませんが、瞑想経験のない方は同じ日に開講されるメディテーション ファンダメンタルズのワークショップで基本を学んで頂くことをおすすめします。
Insight timer アプリで関西メディテーションサークルとつながりましょう。
Kansai Meditation Circle group:
同じ第二日曜日に開講される瞑想プログラム :
メディテーション ファンダメンタルズ
メディテーション サークル
While there are many wonderful printed and online resources for meditation, being in active, ongoing, and present relationship with others on the path is an invaluable part of an authentic meditation practice. Sangha, the community of meditation practitioners, is one of the 3 pillars of practice taught by the Buddha. The Circle is here to provide ongoing support for meditation practice as well as develop connections among those who want to explore and grow their meditation practice in community.
We start with a brief guided meditation as a lead-in to longer periods of silent meditation, and finish with discussion:
17:30-17:45 Orientation
17:45-18:30 Guided & silent meditation period
18:30-19:00 Discussion, sharing & integration, reading (you may leave anytime)
You do not need to have any previous experience in meditation to attend the group sitting but beginners are encouraged to become versed in the basics of meditation by attending Meditation Fundamentals workshops.
Connect with Meditation Circle on the Insight Timer App via the Kansai Meditation Circle group:
Other 2nd Sundays Meditation Programs:
Current language support is mainly English, with some limited Japanese available.
【 日時 schedule 】
17:30-19:00 毎月第二日曜日 2nd Sundays every month: 11/10*
*12/8のクラスはありません No class on 12/8
【 持参するもの bring 】
Bring your own meditation cushion or chair if you like. Studio blankets are available to use and can be folded to serve as meditation cushions. Unfortunately there are currently no chairs available at the studio. Hydration and comfortable layered clothing recommended.
【 費用 donation 】
500円から5000円の間でご自分の収入に見合った額を寄附して頂きますようお願いします。寄付金はスタジオのレンタル代や関西メディテーションネットワーク プログラムの維持費として、皆様に今後も色々なメディテーションサービスをご利用頂けるよう使用させて頂きます。
¥500-¥5000 donation requested. Please donate what fits your income level. Donations go toward space rental, supporting the continuation of Kansai Meditation Circle programs, and enabling all to access meditation resources.
【 予約 reservations 】
Please let us know you intend to come if possible. Reservation is not required for the group meditation, but knowing how many are coming is helpful.